Rezza Foundation - How We Help
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How We Help

How We Help

Frank Rezza, the founder of The Rezza Foundation for Stroke Survivors, had his world and that of his loved ones turned upside down in a matter of a few seconds. In June, 2004, he was stricken, with no prior symptoms, with a severe hemorrhagic stroke in New York City. His stroke left him completely paralyzed on his right side and unable to speak. His prognosis was very poor and his Stroke Neurologist didn’t know if he would ever walk or talk again.

Although he still has paralysis of his right arm and walks with the assistance of a cane, his recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. During those early days and years after his stroke, Frank had a great deal of time to reflect upon the advice, support, help and generosity of family, friends, Doctors, Therapists, Alternative Health Professionals, Stroke Professionals and the Delaware Valley Stroke Council. He realized that there were many Stroke Survivors that were not nearly as fortunate as he and had no where to turn for support in their ongoing recovery. So, having been a man of action all his life and for having received so much assistance after his stroke, he had a strong desire to help and give back to stroke survivors, their families, their caregivers and all affected by stroke. What better way to accomplish this goal then to create The Rezza Foundation for Stroke Survivors and dedicate it to helping stroke survivors and all impacted by stroke to live full and happy lives and reach as many as possible. Therefore, The Rezza Foundation for Stroke Survivors was incorporated in 2006 and received its 501 (c) (3) status in 2007.

One of the first things the Foundation did to inform the public about stroke was to develop and distribute a business card stating the symptoms of stroke and the action to take when you or someone you know is having any of these symptoms. A website was then developed. And to further assist stroke survivors, Frank and his wife (his caregiver) participated in:

  • Stroke Advisory Committees in Southern and Northern New Jersey
  • Stroke Support Groups in Southern and Northern New Jersey
  • The Delaware Valley Stroke Council
  • Educating Stroke Survivors and their caregivers about the services and therapies available to them
  • The Atlantic County Riding Center for the Handicapped
  • Brain Injury Association of New Jersey
  • Stroke Symposiums
  • Speaking at 55 and older community associations as well as Stroke Support Groups
  • Work with Stroke Neurologist, Dr. Daniel Labovitz and other Physicians on Innovative Therapies

The Rezza Foundation for Stroke Survivors is funded entirely by donations and strives to reach a large number of those affected by stroke. If you are interested in more information or in making a donation, please click here.